Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Playing Catch Up

It has been an incredibly long time since I've written anything on here. I think it said my last post was in June 2014! EEK! Life was in the fast lane and it seemed like we were constantly on the go. New jobs, new schools, new town.... Lots to explore and an entirely new routine to get accustomed to. And honestly, the past 2 years have really been great! Since moving to Granbury, the kids have been healthier than they have been in such a long time. And they have grown so much!

Eli is just finishing up 1st grade. This kiddo loves school! He is a fantastic reader and really enjoys reading anything he can get his hands on. Of course, Dr. Seuss is a favorite, as well as dinosaur books and Ninjago books! About a year ago, he also started playing golf! There is an amazing program here and two of our favorite people from church run it. Eli is such a natural and he really enjoys it. After playing 1 season of flag football, it didn't take long for us to decide that any kind of contact sport was not something we wanted to explore. So golf came along at a great time and has really been a saving grace! Most evenings, he'll be in the back yard chipping balls up on to the roof! He won a tournament last year and was even on the front page of the news paper! One thing that has always been true about our Eli.... He's an amazing kid; a true fighter and a little hero. His kind heart and sweet smile; God has blessed him and I pray his personality and spirit never change!

And then there's Ella! That little girl is a ball of energy running around! There's definitely never a dull moment with her! She is three now and is the definition of a "threenager"! Haha! Sassy, strong-willed, talkative, silly.... and absolutely amazing! We started her in dance this past fall. I love seeing her in her little tutu's and outfits. She's had fun, but we've discovered that dance is not her thing. She is in need of something more active and a little faster paced. We've joked that she will be our football player! She's actually surprised us and has been begging to play golf with Eli. So, she has some little clubs (passed down from some amazing friends) and she enjoys getting out in the backyard and playing around, too. Either way, I'm keeping the tutu's... She's just too cute in them!

I know I've said this before, but moving to Granbury was definitely  a "God thing". This move was a difficult choice and it hasn't always been easy, but we know that God knew what He was doing when He led us here. We've gotten involved in an amazing church. The people there are an amazing support. They have wrapped us in love and acceptance. It's nice to truly know what "Church Home" really means. We're blessed to be a part of this church and are so happy to be raising our children to know God.

No matter how old you get, I don't think making new friends ever gets "easy". But we won the lottery in that arena! We met some pretty amazing people here. Their family has become our family. Our kids all love each other and it's an awesome feeling to have a couple that we mesh with so well! Our weekend bar-b-ques and pizza & wine nights are some of our favorite times!

I truly believe this move has played a huge part in our kid's health. Less stress, amazing doctors (and easier access to them) and the opportunities the kids have had here; I think it all plays a roll in their physical health and we're so happy to be where we are!

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